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5 Marketing Tips Shared By Experts

Alva Productions

In any profession, it is wise to heed the advice of those that have succeeded in it. Marketing is no exception, with marketing experts that have made their careers off their successful marketing techniques. Here are 5 Marketing Tips Shared By Experts.

Perfect Your Measurement Of Business Analytics

A tip by Jeff Sauer, founder of Data Driven U, is to perfect your measurement of business analytics. Marketing cannot be done for the sake of marketing and is instead done to achieve a goal for your business.

Marketing analytics is what helps you define that goal, be it done on a whiteboard or through technology such as Google analytics. By doing so, you can understand and in turn, improve your business analytics and also identify the effectiveness of your current marketing strategy.

By writing out your objectives, you can clearly identify them and determine the focus of your marketing. Having more focused marketing will help you in achieving your goals and comparing your estimates.

Build Trust With Influencers

A tip left by Akash Mehta, Social Media Influencer & Global Earned Media Manager of Parfums Christian Dior is to build trust with influencers. This is due to the nature of influencer marketing, which requires you to work closely with your partnered influencers.

In influencer marketing, today more than ever, it is important to develop and nurture a strong relationship with your brand advocates. This will then lead to influence that drives action, and not just influence.

Influencer marketing is infinitely more effective when people can tell the genuine like that the influencers have for your brand when compared to a soulless sponsored advertisement. This will cause them to drive their audience to try your product rather than just know about your existence.

Act Like A Friend On Social Media

A tip left by Julia Bramble, Social Media Strategist for BrambleBuzz is to act as a friend on social media. This is because in today’s world of social media, attention is lost on the many and most people focus only on their friends.

To be a friend on social media can mean to ask questions, share stories, and be empathetic to others. This will capture the attention of social media users, thus successfully raising awareness of your brand.

One can turn to the social media accounts of big companies such as Wendy’s, who got famous for witty commentary. This is an example of humanizing businesses by acting like a person instead of a marketing machine.

Give Engaging Content That Is Of Value To Your Audience

A tip by Lolita Swanet, Marketing Campaign Manager of Volvo Car BeLux is to give engaging content that is of value to your audience. What this means is to provide content that people want to look at and actively engage with.

The digital world is constantly evolving, with it having gone through multiple transformations since its conception. The digital world will only continue to change and to stay relevant, it is important to keep yourself updated with new developments and marketing formats.

Nowadays, no one will stop and engage with a digital banner designed solely to advertise your product. People today are used to quality content, and it is this that you must provide.

Look At How Automation Can Save Time

A tip from Arianne Donoghue, Strategy Director at Epiphany Search is to look up how automation can save time. We are in an age where digital marketing is becoming more and more tedious as more platforms manage to emerge but the time that we have to do so remains the same.

As such, it is wise to automate digital marketing where it is applicable. This is to reduce the burden on yourself and free yourself up for more important things that require your attention.


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