Established in 2003, LinkedIn is an employment-oriented online platform that is used for seeking employment, for professional networking as well as for employers to post what sort of requirements they look for in prospective employees. However, today, LinkedIn along with other social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook and YouTube is one of the most popular and lucrative platforms to advertise your business on.
By providing users with its own LinkedIn Ads that advertise businesses on the platform to specific target audiences in a variety of ways, the platform now encourages businesses to advertise themselves. Here are 5 reasons why you should be active on LinkedIn for your business.
Massive Audience Reach

LinkedIn boasts a massive user data base, with multiple specification target filters that filter out what type of audience your advertisement reaches with maximum accuracy. According to this article on L7 Advertising’s site, LinkedIn hosts about 610 million professionals, 90 million senior-level influencers, 17 million opinion leaders, 63 million decision makers, 10 million C-level executives and 3 million MBA graduates.
What this means for your business and advertising is that the chances of your business receiving attention from some bigshots as well as influential groups of people is higher if you advertise on LinkedIn.
Unique Targeting System

One of the main reasons LinkedIn’s advertising option is so popular among businesses and advertisers is because LinkedIn’s targeting system is unique and very accurate in determining your target audience and ensuring the advertisement for your business reaches them.
With various filters which weed out unlikely audiences and zone in only on targets that are most likely to buy from or pay attention to your business, LinkedIn’s targeting system becomes the strongest weapon a business can have. These targeting filters include options such as location, job title, company name, industry, degree, professional interests and much more.
Variety Of Ad Formats To Explore

Whatever types of ads you have been investing in on multiple platforms and spending your budget on, the chances are, LinkedIn hosts all of those ad types in their website, in one place. Be it Sponsored Content, Sponsored InMail (which directly addresses your probably customers through email), video ads, text ads, carousel ads, display ads (banner ads) or dynamic ads (which are automated and interactive ads), LinkedIn boasts all of these features that make your advertisements attracting.
Moreover, by availing all these ad types in the same platform, your spending on advertising campaigns is affected as well.
Accommodating Budget Based On Business

This is a feature that is common across all social media advertising features these days. A business can accommodate their advertising and marketing campaign’s budget based on how much business their previous advertising campaign brings them.
This means that in the aftermath of an advertising campaign that doesn’t generate much to the business, the budget can be cut short or be increased for an advertising campaign that yields high returns. LinkedIn allows for these changes, and has a pricing minimum of 10$ daily, with a bid of 2$ if the ad is of a cost-per-click type of cost-per-thousand-impressions type.
Retargeting And Direct Addressable Advertisements

Another unique feature of LinkedIn’s targeting system is that it not only targets new potential customers, but also targets existing customers and brings them back to your business through their retargeting feature. The retargeting system works to direct more individualized ads and promotions to your existing customers, thus giving your business a loyal customer base.
Moreover, LinkedIn also lets you connect with your potential customers directly and individually through Sponsored InMail, which lets businesses send personalized, customized messages to the audience groups that matter the most to the business.